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An alligator brain is the size of a peanut. What Reggie makes of his unusual life story is a mystery.

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A decent chunk of L.A.'s budget - $180,000 - went to Reggie-related expenses. His name appeared in headlines from Long Beach to London. You could buy T-shirts emblazoned with Reggie’s likeness. But once upon a time - before P-22, before Grumpy Cat and Doug the Pug - people gathered by the hundreds just to catch a glimpse of the celebrity gator. Some visitors stop to read it a lot of them don’t. He lives companionably with a female named Tina, and if you think it’s easy for two alligators to pair up later in life without trying to bite each other’s limbs off, well, you don’t know a lot about alligators.īetween the two fences that separate Reggie’s enclosure from the public is a sign with the thumbnail version of his remarkable journey to the Los Angeles Zoo 15 years ago today. When it’s chilly, he doesn’t do much of anything. Reggie, the most famous alligator in Los Angeles, lives in a beautifully landscaped midcentury dwelling just outside Los Feliz.

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