St pete florida gay pride parade

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At night South Straub will be transformed into a women and non-binary pop-up night club from 7-10pm. This is the space for you during the day to enjoy a drink, some space, and watch the parade travel by. Our Parade Festival will begin at 2pm on both sides of the parade route! Join us in North Straub park for a variety of local vendors, food trucks, DJ, and the beer garden! South Straub park will be a 21+ space with a DJ, food and bars, and vendors. The Parade route will run from Vinoy Park to Albert Whittard Park along Bayshore Drive. This is a free event and open to the public. The return of our headline event, the June 25th Parade will take place in the downtown waterfront parks. Get ready for St Pete Pride’s 20th Year! To honor our history, celebrate our community, and create an accessible, safe place for members of the LGBTQ+ community, St Pete Pride will be hosting the largest Pride festival to date.

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